Omar H. Rahman is a writer, analyst and journalist specializing in middle east politics and american foreign policy.

As He Squeezes the Palestinians, Trump Is Throwing Out 25 Years of U.S. Policy

On March 24, a bill requiring the U.S. government to cut financial aid to the Palestinian Authority quietly passed into law as part of the omnibus spending bill signed by President Donald Trump. The new law, known as the Taylor Force Act, is the latest in a series of punitive measures taken by Washington against the Palestinians that are casting a shadow over their bilateral relationship and threatening stability in the Middle East.

Ostensibly, the law is directed at a longstanding policy of the Palestinian Authority to provide financial support to the families of Palestinians killed or imprisoned by Israel. The United States and Israel frame this as a reward for terrorism, while the Palestinians see it as means of alleviating the hardship on the families of those resisting Israel’s military occupation. ...

Read the full article at World Politics Review.

What Bahrain's Huge Oil and Gas Discovery Means for Its Post-Oil Agenda

The Goals of the Saudi Crown Prince’s U.S. Visit Lie Outside Washington